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Manaslu Tsum Valley Trek

Manaslu Tsum Valley Trek is a complete expedition of culture and trekking in the Himalayas. So, it is breathtaking scenery, beautiful snow-capped mountains, and a local lifestyle because of undiscovered delights in the Manaslu area. This trek is perfect for adventure seekers, with the bliss of Tibetan art as a bonus.

This once-in-a-lifetime trek from Arughat will take you to the depth of Tsum culture and over the mighty Larkya la pass as a single trek. You will also experience an authentic Himalayan trekking experience with the option of staying in the home stay and trying the local cuisine here.

We will start every day in the lap of the Himalayas, and warm hospitality is assured in every destination of Tsum and Manaslu. The centuries-old Monasteries, Chortens, and Gompas reflect Tibetan Buddhism here. This trek also prepares you for shifting into the other harder trails of the Himalayas.

Manaslu Tsum Valley Trek is a perfect combination of two of the most selected trekking routes in the Manaslu region. This trek is a special combination providing you with a complete package of delights of Manaslu and so, Commencing from the small hills of Arughat. But we will move up to the trail nearing Tibet and the base of Mt. Manaslu. The views of Mt. Manaslu (8163m) Ganesh Himal II, Cheo Himal, Nagdi Chuli. Himlung Himal (7126 m), Shringi Himal (7161m), and many others.

The Tsum, Gurung, and other settlements we pass offer us the next phase of trekking in the Himalayas. The beautiful wildflowers, lush variety of vegetation, and rare fauna species also make this trek special. The transition from different climatic regions has a variety of experiences of trekking.

Daily itinerary
Day 01: Arrival at the airport in Kathmandu (1350 m), Nepal 30 Min. Hotel
After landing at TIA (Tribhuvan International Airport), our representatives from Sherpa mountain journey Nepal will meet you. You can view the bustling city lifestyle of Kathmandu on your way to the hotel. Evening quick orientation of the trekking program of the Tsum Valley. Take an evening tour of the nearby places and markets from your hotel. Overnight at a hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 02: Trip preparation permit dcomedetion day in Kathmandu and City tour
After breakfast, meet your guide for the Tsum Valley trek in our office. After a brief introduction session, you will spend the day preparing for the upcoming trekking. Visit the nearby heritage and religious sites in your spare time today. Return to your hotel and rest for the day. Overnight at a hotel in Thamel, Kathmandu.

Day 03: Kathmandu to Machha Khola (869 m) 8-9 hrs drive Lodge
After breakfast today, we will catch a bus from Kathmandu, leaving for the eastern hills of Dhading district. The hill highway drive starts your day, leading you to the villages of Arughat. This drive’s magnificent scenic view of nature is a perfect booster to kick-start your journey. You will end your day nearby the beautiful Budi Gandaki River in Maccha Khola. Overnight Maccha Khola.

Day 04: Machha Khola to Jagat (1400 m) 7-8 hrs trek Lodge
We start the day making our first cross of the Maccha Khola and trek up the trail surrounded by patches of Gurung settlements and hill farmlands. Continuing on this trail, we will reach the village of Khorla Bensi. You can enjoy the organic coffee here during your brief break. We will walk in the paths carved between hill forests to reach Tatopani. Tatopani is a place to relax for a while and rinse up your exhaustion with the hot-water springs. We will cross through a steel bridge from here to reach the village of Dovan (1070 m). Crossing the settlements of Thulo Dunga and Yaruphant on the adjacent side of Budi Gandaki, we will get the beautiful Gurung settlement of Jagat. Overnight at a lodge in Jagat.

Day 05: Jagat to lokpa (2240 m) 7-8 hrs. trek Lodge
In the morning, we will have our permits to the Manaslu region checked here at Jagat. In the meantime, you can head for a Tibetan-inspired cultural village tour here with the Himalayan view. We will hike up to the Suspension bridge from Jagat and to Salleri. The segment connecting Jagat to Sirdibas is mostly flat and provides great views of the Siringi Himal (7161 m). We will then pass from many small patches of hill farmlands and reach Philim. Crossing the Gandaki River once more from Sirdibas, we will walk about an hour to reach the Philim Village. Luncha at philim, and walk to we split route way to Tsum valley. Overnight at a lodge in Lokpa.

Day 06: Lokpa – Chumling (2386 m) 6-7 hrs trek Lodge
We will start our day with a comparatively flat trail to Eklebhatti. After a few minutes of walking through the jungle, we will come to a new bridge made here. The path to Tsum valley separates from the main trail here, and we will continue the left fresh course. Leaving the route to Larke pass, we will head down towards the Tsum valley. Through the grasslands and plains, we will reach the gate of Tsum Valley in Lokpa. We will take a brief break here and have our lunch. We will walk further for 3 hours to get to Chumling village in the evening. Overnight at a lodge in Chumling.

Day 07: Chumling – Renjam to Chhekam park (3031m) 6-7 hrs. Trek Lodge
We will pass the suspension bridge at Chumling and continue our trail passing through hill farmlands. The settlements here are small, with stone-patched houses close to each other. In the fields, one can see Potato, maize, and buckwheat harvest and cultivation. One can experience the gradual reflection and lifestyle in the settlements to come in this trek. Walking steadily on this trail, we will cross the Sarpu Khola and climb to the village of Gho. Take a brief snack break here and continue your walk to Chehekam Park. In one of the biggest towns in the Tsum valley trek, we will stay in a lodge for the day.

Day 08: Chhekam Park – Lamagaon and to Mu Gompa (3700 m) 7-8 hrs. trek Lodge
This stretch of our trekking trail holds many legends of Lama Kongchong, one of the most decorated figures in the Manaslu region. Legends say that the Lama resurrected in the village here in his child form and continued his meditation. The award-winning documentary “Unmistaken child” follows this same story. Continuing our walk, we will take a brief break in the village of Lamagaon. We will then visit the famous Rachen Gompa, one of Manaslu’s major monasteries. You will see the holy Milarepa cave where the great Buddhist Yogi Chyuchin Milarepa meditated for years. Continuing our trek, we will take our lunch at the next stop at Chhule. We will cross the Shiar Khola and continue the left trail to Mu Gompa. Mu Gompa is the best place to view the Himalayan sunset and landscape of Tsum Valley. Overnight at a lodge in Mu Gompa.

Day 09: Mu Gompa – Chhule to Chhekampark (3031m) 3-4 hrs trek Lodge
We will visit the Yak Munching center, starting the trek for today after breakfast. Crossing the bridges over Phuchun and Shiar Khola, we will reach the village of Chhule. We will pass through Himalayan farmlands and Chortens to Pangdun village. Ranchen Gompa is the next brief stop from here and is an excellent opportunity to view Tibetan art, religion, and culture. The paintings here are about a century old and reflect the lifestyle of Manaslu. From here, we will walk a couple of hours downhill to Chhekampark. Overnight at a lodge in Chhekampark.

Day 10: Chhekam Park – Chumling to Lokpa (2240m) 5-6 hrs trek Lodge
After breakfast, head down to the river and walk to the lively village of Lamagaon. Visit the gompa at Gho (2485 m), one of the historically significant monasteries here. Legends of the great Lama resurrected in the village make the trail more lively and memorable. We will continue our path in the high ridges and cross the Shiar Khola to Chumling village. A couple of hours of walk from here will take you to the Lokpa village. Overnight at a lodge in Lokpa village.

Day 11: Lokpa – Pewa to Deng 1860m) 5-6 hrs trek Lodge
After breakfast today, we will take the trail to the Siyar Khola from Lokpa. We will cross the suspension bridge here and to the Pewa village. The Rhododendron forests on each side of the path make the trail beautiful. We will cross the Lungdang Khola and have our lunch here. We will continue this trek to the Manaslu trek circuit and the path beside the Budi Gandaki river to Nyak Phedi. We will cross the river multiple times following the trail to reach the village of Deng in the late afternoon. View the beautiful sunset and try some local delights here. Overnight at a lodge in Deng.

Day 12: Deng – Bihi Phedi – Ghap to Namrung (2540 m) 3-4 hrs trek Lodge
Today will be a comparatively short day walking in the Manaslu Tsum valley circuit. We will pass through the gorge and the grassy plains, gradually ascending to Bini Phedi. This stretch provides us with a great view of Mt.Manaslu and the landscape surrounding the trail. From here, we will pick the path to Ghap and ascend to the Serang Khola. Crossing it, we will traverse Budi Gandaki and continue our way to Namrung village. Overnight at a lodge in the town of Namrung.

Day 13: Namrung – Lihi to Lho (3180 m) 5-6 hrs trek Lodge
We will have our restricted area permits checked in Namrung village before starting our trek today to Lho village. The sunrise view over the Ganesh and Siringi Himal is the best way to kickstart the day trek. Lihi is the midway point and is the place to take your lunch today. Leaving Lihi, we will continue our walk to Rimbung Gompa and from here to the Lho village. We will reach Lho through the trails surrounded by the Mani walls and chortens. We will rest for the day here in Lho village. Overnight at a lodge.

Day 14: Lho – Syala to Samagaun (3525 m) 3-4 trek hrs
The trek portion from Lho to Samagaon is gifted with fantastic landscape and beautiful mountain flowers. From the viewpoints in the sites lying in the path, one can also have mesmerizing panoramic views of Manaslu and surrounding ranges. Shyala will be the midpoint of our trek with pristine rhododendron forests and crystal clear streams. An hour of walk from here will lead you to the village of Samagaon. People mostly trek further and return to Samagaon for better acclimatization results. Overnight at a lodge in Samagaon.

Day 15: Rest day in Samagaun (3525 m) 2-4 hrs. trek Lodge
Acclimatization is a must for safe and effective trekking in the Himalayas. At an altitude of 3525 meters, Samagaon is strategically the perfect place to rest and plan for the upcoming treks. The scenic mountain views from the village also make your stay worth it. You will have plenty of options for short hiking around Samagaon. Punggyen Gompa, Manaslu Base Camp, Monastery of Sama town, and Birendra Tal are some of the most popular hiking destinations from Samagaon. Enjoy the Himalayan sunset and rest for the day here. Overnight at a lodge.

Day 16: Samagaun to Samdo (3875 m) 3-4 hrs trek Lodge
Our trek of today is mostly elevating and with hard sections of turns to Samdo village. The Manaslu glacier and Birendra Tal views will accompany you throughout our walk to Samdo. In the middle of the trail, we can see the adjacent ridge to the Lajyang La pass (5098 m). We will walk through the pasture and Yak grazing plains and to the Mani walls leading to the Samdo village. Near to the Tibetan border, one can experience the dazzling reflection of culture and art of those regions here. Overnight at a lodge in Samdo.
Day 17: Samdo- to Dharamsala (4460m) 3-4 hrs trek Lodge
The Trek to Dharmasala from Samdo is a preparational walk with much time to spare for your ascend to the Larkye La pass (5160 m). We will walk pass Chortens and Mani walls down to the Budi Gandaki River. After crossing the wooden bridge over it, we will reach the legendary Larkye Bazaar. The trail to Lajyang and Gyala leading to Tibet separates from Larkye bazaar. It was one of the most significant commercial midpoints of the central Himalayas. We will walk further up, and Mani walls lead our way to Dharmashala. Rest for the day and prepare for the Larkye La Pass. Overnight at a lodge in Dharmashala.

Day 18: Dharamsala – Larkye Pass 5160mtrs to Bimthang (3590m) 7-8 hrs trek Lodge
We will have a hard climb to Larkye La pass, and this stretch of the trek is the most challenging one too. The trail goes side by side to the horizontal moraine of the glacier. Follow your guide for safe and secure passage to Bimtang from Larkye La pass. Slippery and steep sections are the most difficult ones as we will walk near to the top. Prayer flags welcome you to the Pass and the magnificent view of Manaslu, Himlung, Kang Guru, and Annapurna II in Larkye La Pass. Spend some time here and start your descend to Bimtang. This stretch is mostly smooth, and the trail will drop over 1400 meters to Bimtang village. Enjoy the beautiful sunset from the ridge near and rest for the day. Overnight at a lodge in Bimtang.

Day 19: Bimthang – Yak Kharka – Karche to Tilije (2300m) 6-7 hrs trek Lodge
We will start our day with a quick downhill to Kechyaku Khola Glacier and cross it. We will walk through red hills covered with rhododendron forest and to Yak Kharka. One can get a treat of different shades of rhododendron in their blooming season in March and April. The view of the diverse face of Manaslu is equally pristine over the hills from this trek too. We will drop from Alpine to subtropical forests leading your way to Karche. We will have our lunch and continue crossing the Gurung village of Gho on the way. A short tour of Gho will give you more opportunities to witness the Himalayan culture and lifestyle. About an hour more of a walk from here will take you to the old Gurung village of Tilije. Overnight at a lodge in Tilije.

Day 20: Tilche to Kathmandu (1350m) 6-7 hrs trek Hotel
After breakfast, we drive by private Bus back to Kathmandu. The hill ride of Prithvi Highway passing through Dumre, Muglin, Kurintar, and Thankot will take you back to Kathmandu. The green hills and Trishuli River makes the perfect setting for a long ride here. After reaching your hotel, head for the souvenir shopping in Thamel. Enjoy the nightlife in Thamel after a fantastic feat of completing the Manaslu Trek. Overnight at a hotel in Thamel.

Day 21 Fly back home
Our office representative will take you to the airport. With all the wonderful memories of Manaslu trek, you will fly back to your home.

What’s included?
• International airport pick up and drop Service.
• 3 Nights Hotels in Kathmandu with BB plan (before trek)
• Kathmandu tour monkey tempal Durbuer squire bhudha
• By privet jeep to machha khola.
• Dharapani to Besisahar by local jeep.
• Beshishar to Kathmandu by privet tourist bus.
• Three meals a day (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner along the trek).
• Lodge accommodation on the way.
• Equipment; Down Jacket, Sleeping Bag.
• License holder guide (Including his Salary, Food, Insurance, Accommodation, Transportation etc.
• Legal documents (MCAP permit, Manaslu restricted area permit and ACAP).
• High altitude cloth for porter
• All Gov. Taxes.
• First aid medical box with oximeter.
• Farewell lunch or dinner in suitable time.

What’s not included?
• Extra night accommodation in Kathmandu.
• Travel insurance.
• Porter for trekking.
• Cold drinks such as; Coke, Mineral Water, Beer etc.
• Personal expenses (laundry, bar bill, telephone, extra helper, battery charge, wifi, shower and boiled water).
• Tips for guide.

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